I wish all leaders understood this…
Can I share with you what I wish all leaders understood?
You have to invest time in developing your communication skills if you want to become better at having ‘difficult’ conversations.
Hands down, this is the biggest struggle leaders tell me they face…
“I don’t like conflict and I’d like to avoid it at all costs. Difficult conversations feel impossible even though I know I have to have them”
At the same time, leaders new to The Training Rock wonder how they’re ever going to find 4 hours a week to attend the training.
They question whether it’ll be worth it.
I understand that.
(If you haven’t experienced it for yourself, how would you know?)
If time feels like your greatest obstacle at the moment, here’s what I want to ask you…
>> How much time do you spend agonizing over that conversation you know you need to have?
It sounds a bit like this, “How do I even begin? How are they going to react? What if they get upset or angry? What if it all goes wrong?!… I’ll leave it for another day”
>> How many of your team members live rent-free in your head because they aren’t performing the way you want them to?
It sounds a bit like this, “Why don’t they understand what I’m asking them to do? We’ve had the same conversation over and over again! I have to tell them that they need to up their game, but how do I even go about having that conversation?”
>> How much time do you honestly spend thinking about those conversations you’re avoiding?
You might not know how to have them effectively (yet)…
So you avoid them at all costs and back away…
And you pretend they don’t exist…
(Even though you spend days and nights worrying about them)
Hoping they will just go away on their own…
Spoiler alert: They won’t.
Our training requires 4 hours of your time every week and leaders get that time back tenfold because they know how to handle difficult conversations.
They stop:
>>Saying the same thing over and over again but never getting through
>>Spending days or weeks ruminating over how to say what needs to be said
>>Going home at night worrying about how to give feedback
>>Wondering why Pam and Stu can’t just ‘do what they’re told’
>>Agonizing over how to challenge non-compliance without losing trust
4 hours per week?
It’s nothing compared to the time you’ll get back when you know how to manage every member of your team, regardless of your differences.
Last month I started our Team Leadership Programme with an organisation I’ve worked with many times before.
>> This is their 11th cohort.
10 cohorts have already gone through the training and now everyone else wants in.
They’re desperate to join because they’ve heard only great things.
The first thing most of them said on their 1:1 discovery call?
“I’m so glad I’ve finally been invited to join this programme, it sounds incredible!”
They have no hesitation because 10 other groups have experienced the transformation already.
So I understand that you might be sceptical about whether this investment will be worth it.
(These things have to be experienced to be believed, such is the way)
And this is my invitation to you…
If you wonder how this training might look for you and your leadership teams but feel a little hesitant about whether this is your next best investment, please book a call to chat with me.
- You can tell me about your struggles.
- I’ll tell you about The Training Rock Method.
- You can decide whether or not it’s right for you.
It will be that simple.
No stress. No pressure.
Just clarity.
Book a call with me here.
I can’t wait to chat with you.